Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Journeys 11-19-06

Journeys 11-19-06

Kids Kamp was winding down this past Wednesday as the kids and leaders gathered in a circle, held hands and Terri Goldsmith said, “O.K., Thanksgiving is coming up so lets say something we’re thankful for before we close with prayer.”

The kids rolled their eyes and giggled and one by one said things like, “my dog, my horse, my family, kids kamp, my mom, and food.” The adult helpers leaned more toward, “My family, my children and the gift of life.”

It made me think about my gratitude list this year compared to last year. See a part of me has just one item on my 2007 Thanksgiving list, “I’m thankful to be alive (not dead).” But seeing the end, (much closer than I ever want to see it again) has also made me relish things I’d taken for granted for most of my life.

Not being able to get in a shower for about six weeks there has made me adore my shower bench, warm steaming water poured from above, and feeling clean. Not being able to put weight on my left leg for 10 weeks has made me cherish one heal to toe, non-assisted, weight bearing step forward. If fact, now, just getting myself anywhere from point A to point B, nobody noticing, without it being a group project is deeply satisfying. 12 weeks of having to sleep on my back after 46.8 years of sleeping on my side makes me groan with pleasure now when I shut the light off, put the specially designed pillow between my legs, roll onto my side and close my eyes. If fact, getting my nights and days mixed up there when I went off my pain medication has made me thankful for sleep at any time, but especially between the hours of midnight and six a.m..

When you’re in a car crash, have major surgery, get that cancer diagnosis, lose a loved one, its like the puzzle of your life gets turned over and dumped on the floor. Then life after the disruption is about attempting to put the pieces of that puzzle back together again. My experience has been that it’s the caring of others that’s helped me live here while I try and fit the pieces of my puzzle together again. This Thanksgiving, I thank God for all your prayers, words of encouragement, hugs, handshakes, pats on the arm, cards, books, more cards, food, movies, gift cards, e-mails, and phone calls. I am so blessed. That turkey is gonna’ taste really good this year.

Grace & Peace,

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