Friday, July 13, 2012

Journeys 7-15-12 Rosedale VBS

This past week was Vacation Bible School at the Rosedale Church.  Many thanks to Jill Osler for coordinating VBS once again this year.  We had 24 kids and 13 adult helpers from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday.  There were stations for Music, Crafts, Science, Snack, Recreation and Story Telling.  This is the second year I got to be the Story Teller.
This year’s theme centered around water.  You’d be amazed at how many Bible stories there are on or around the water.  The Bible stories were about Noah, Naamen, John the Baptist, Jesus and the disciples who were fishermen.  The kids got to make amazing crafts and artwork and take it all home on the last day.  Today in church, they will share three of the nine songs they learned during the week.  We’ll also share with you a little drumming circle I did with the kids.
I really enjoy getting to know the kids a little better through the week.  Our crowd is basically church kids and friends and neighbors and grand kids.  So they were basically the same these past two years.
Rosedale will enjoy seeing the kids up front sharing their music and motions today.  Doniphan is counting down to their VBS that starts July 22nd.
Grace & Peace,

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