God Sighting
The topic I have chosen for my bulletin article is a place I have seen God recently. I decided that one of the places that I have seen God is in our confirmation class and in all the support we have had from our church.
The reason that I see God in our confirmation class is God helps us to learn more about him and become closer to him as we go through our thirteen weeks. You can also see it in how at the start of our confirmation class everyone was kind of shy and didn’t really talk much, but as the weeks have went on we have started to become more comfortable with each other and get to know each other better. I believe that God helps by giving us more courage to speak up and let our guards down.
Another place I see God is in how fully the congregation of our church supports our confirmation class in our journey to become full members of the church. They are always setting a good example of how we can become good members of the church by how they act and how they treat each other. Also, they are always so supportive and kind to us. It makes it so much easier to go through these 13 weeks when you have a congregation like ours.
Finally, I see God in our confirmation mentors and our pastor. First of all, our mentors volunteer so much of their time. Instead of using the time to get a lot of their own personal stuff done, they choose to teach us about how to be a better Christian. Also, I see God in Pastor Kelly. He is so knowledgeable about the Bible, being a better Christian, and about God. Another reason I see God in him is that he always takes the time to teach us all of the necessary information we need to become a member of the church, and he always takes us on fun field trips to help us to learn more about God.
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