The snow has finally melted (Thursday). Now, after weeks of ice covered streets, we’ve got huge potholes all over the place. Any weakness in the pavement got expanded by the freezing and re-freezing of the ice. The street cracks are now street holes. What do you do with potholes in February?
We know winter is not done with us yet. Permanent fixes take several days of good weather to set. Temporary fixes take huge amounts of manpower, time and money for something that may only be useful for a day or so before the next snowcover happens. Is it worth it to mess with potholes in February? I say, if it saves just one compact car from going down into a pothole and not coming back up, the fix is worth it.
As of Ash Wednesday, we’ve entered the season of Lent. Lent is about temporary fixes. We work toward Easter, filling the potholes of our souls in order to get back in right relationship with God and each other. We may not have time or energy for a permanent fix right now, but in these forty days, we can let go of what needs to be let go of, take on what God wants to give us, and make our road drivable, for now. Later, when the threat of ice is gone, we can do what needs to be done to fix our soul for good. But for now, that hole is too dangerous to be left untended.
Is there some one that you need to say “I’m sorry,” to? Is there someone that you need to let go, - realizing that you cannot change them? Do you need to forgive yourself for something done long ago?
Lent is the time to try those temporary patches for the wounds of our souls. In prayer, invite God into our wounds. Ask God for whatever it takes to begin the healing. Working together with God, the mystery of healing and wholeness happens. Easter is coming!
Grace & Peace,
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