Saturday, January 20, 2007

Journeys 1-21-07

What you see is what you get.

I had my eyes checked the other day. It’s the annual thing I have to do in order to buy my two-week-throw-away contacts.

I’m not quite at the bi-focal stage, but I’m real close. They gave me the option of getting reading glasses or trying the “mono-eye” contacts; one contact in one eye for distance, one contact in the other eye for reading. They said it doesn’t work for everyone. And it’d take about a week to re-train my brain. But it would keep my vanity intact. There would not have to be any reading glasses in the pulpit just yet.

Cindy doubted that my brain could be re-trained. But I said, I’d give it a try. I’m just a few days into it, but it has been an amazing experience. Yea, I started out closing one eye a lot. But I’ve learned that turning my head one way or another can make the world come into focus. Each eye is learning to take over when the situation demands it.

I’m still in the middle of the learning curve, but every little success gives me hope. It also makes me feel a little better about this slippery slope called middle age. Just when I thought that all I had to look forward to was a long slow physical decline, my brain steps up to the plate and learns something new. Alleluia! Praise God! I’m not dead yet.

Grace & Peace,

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