Journeys 10-15-06
Today we celebrate “Children’s Sabbath” at all three worship services. Our United Methodist Women have taken charge of bringing Children’s Sabbath (a program of the Children’s Defense Fund) to Centenary for several years. The goal is to raise awareness of the needs of children. If you Google it you’ll find that they have “A Compact with America's Children,” that:
I. No child shall be hungry in America.
II. No child shall be homeless in America.
III. No child shall lack health care in America.
IV. No child shall be poor in America.
V. No child shall be unsafe in America.
VI. No child shall be illiterate or lack the education and skills needed to work and support a family in America.
VII. No child shall be left alone or in unsafe care when parents work in America.
VIII. No child will be abused, neglected, or exploited for personal or commercial gain in America.
IX. No child will be discriminated against because of race, poverty, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability in America.
X. Every child will be respected and protected by family, community, state, and nation as a citizen with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Part of the ministry of the UMW is to children. At a recent UMW program by our school Superintendent, Dr. Dale Kruse, the women were considering how they could be mentors to elementary age children in our school system.
At Centenary, we minister to the children of our community by offering Sunday School, Kids Kamp, Vacation Bible School, various day trips offered by our Children’s Council, (we’re going to Rocca Berry Farm today!), Faith Factor Middle School Youth Group, four High School God Parent Groups, (the Crittendon’s, the Woodward’s, the Husa’s & the Clabaugh’s), and, work mission trips for Middle School and High School age youth. We hire a part-time Youth Ministries Director (Mrs. Janine Harvey) to coordinate our youth groups and Kid’s Kamp. We have Kid’s for Christ Children’s Choir, Youth Bells, and two musical productions directed by our Music Director, Dr. Jon Gruett.
The sad thing here in Beatrice, is that with all the programs of the churches and community, there are still kids on the edge, kids who fall through the cracks and are vulnerable to the predators on the underside of our society. Today, we stop to consider what else we can do to show the love of God to the children and youth of our community. If you get a chance, say thanks to our UMW, and Mrs. Patti Crittendon, (this year’s Children’s Sabbath Coordinator), for giving us this opportunity.
Grace & Peace,
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