Friday, February 06, 2015

Journeys 2-8-15 "Valentine's Day"


Saturday is Valentine’s Day.  It is the florist’s shop’s Super Bowl and Christmas all wrapped into one day.  They are praying for no snow this coming Saturday, ‘cause Valentine’s Day can make or break your year when you’re in the business of flowers.

This year in my family Valentine’s Day is all about getting those care packages off to our kids in North Carolina and Florida.  The Bishop’s Confirmation Day in Lincoln falls on Valentine’s Day this year, so I will be road-tripping our confirmands to Nebraska Wesleyan on the day of love.  We should get back around 7 p.m., but Saturday nights are usually work nights for the pastors in my house (if you know what I mean).

For us, after a little over thirty years of marriage, Valentine’s Day has become gentle reminder.  Small public notes on Facebook to, “Thank God for the love of my life!” are combined with private cards and kisses that say, “Thanks for being you, and for sticking with me all these years, or,  . . . I love you more every day.”  Some time around Valentine’s day we’ll go to a movie or out to a favorite place to eat.  But Valentine’s Day for this old married couple is just a day to look up from the hustle and bustle of our lives and catch our life-mate’s eye and say, “You know I love you.”  Then they wink back and say, “I know you do, I love you too.”

Grace & Peace,