For Nebraskans, Labor Day Weekend used to be a major pilgrimage weekend to Lincoln. You’d have all those UNL students who’d just moved in, the State Fair and the first Husker home football game, causing the population of Lincoln to double. Parking was impossible. Getting from one side of town to another took forever because of traffic.
Now, we have evolved so that the State Fair and all those cars are in Grand Island. So all you have in Lincoln is an additional 25,000 UNL students and 85,000 people dressed in red migrating to Memorial Stadium for the first home Husker football game.
Labor Day is still a crossing over weekend. We cross over into full fledge school schedules and all that accompanies them; Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, dance and lessons of all kinds. With Labor Day we close the book on Summer and start looking towards Fall. In Nebraska we can predict that from here, September can be as hot as July, followed by a slight cool off before the glorious two weeks of Indian Summer in October that precedes the first snowfall.
Labor Day weekend is also second only to Memorial Day weekend for the scheduling of family reunions. It is the last four day weekend until Thanksgiving. And if your local pool has not closed by now, it will shut down after Labor Day.
In the church, Sunday School, KIX (our children’s afterschool program on Wednesdays), and Youth Group all start up quickly after Labor Day. We’ll have sign up sheets out there for the Fall Financial Peace University and the Fall Adult Study on forgiveness. The summer break from programing ends after Labor Day. And we have to get serious about filling out those Church Conference forms after Labor Day (Parish Church Conference, Oct. 14th)!
So now is the time to be in prayer, asking God to help you to discern if you need to take one of those new adult classes this fall. This is when you put those children and youth programs into that calendar you’ve got on your refrigerator. And rest up today and tomorrow, ‘cause the speed of life is about to accelerate toward Christmas. It will be taking off in five, four, three . . two . . . one. Lift off!
Grace & Peace,